Twilight Town (Complete Archive)

This is a complete playlist of every time kuoushi played Twilight Town, but available in a playlist format. Enjoy just letting the whole series run without having to click anything! Hours of kuoushi, direct to your brain.

So let’s start this game with saying that this game is short. If you play through the game with one without hard mode, you’re looking at around and 1:30 to 2 hours and nothing more. Not that this isn’t a good or bad thing, but something to know about as you’re playing it.

Twilight Town is a pretty competent Doom engine (GzDoom) game, with a story that is kind of there. The game mechanics part is exactly what you’d expect on that front, shooting bad guys as they walk towards you towards the bad guys. Pretty linear, but there are some to secrets to find (which is also expected with most Doom engine games). It’s fun to play on that, and the weapons all have little fun stuff in them. You can generally play any weapon as however, there’s no real bad guys that force you to play any way. Just shoot them until they die. The shotgun gives much more fun blood if you like that. The enemies aren’t very great, even the bosses. They have some things they think about (mechanics), but really you’re just shooting them good to just kill them quickly and you’ll never even notice them. We did run into an issue where the last boss can get stuck, allowing you to just shoot them without getting hit. Beyond that stuff, the rest is pretty fun to just play through.

On the writing, it’s fine? I kind of thought the story would go one way I was expecting for, but was actually kind of nice to see that it didn’t happen. Not spoiling it or anything, but the story is fine and you’ll have fun enough with it, assuming you’re looking it at something you’d expect anime tropes and stuff. Nothing bad, nothing good, just decent.

I did actually liked a lot of the atmosphere and vibe/aesthetic, with some nice little places of stuff here and there. It’s not going to win any awards, but you won’t be mad.

Honestly, this whole game is fine. I liked it.

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