Had to throw an audible for last night’s stream.

A first and potentially not a last, but we ended up in a softlock in Ilum. One of the quests can’t be completed (not a skill issue, sadly), which means we can’t hit the 100 mark that the game requires for us to finish it. So, we called off Ilum there for now while I contact the dev, and we started up Axe Cop which is just great. You should watch the first bit.

2016 Saturday streams are done and in the archive.

We’re now into the final year of Saturday streams that hadn’t made it into the archive yet. Not too many in 2017, but they’ll all be in soon enough. I’m surprised how well a lot of these have held up, honestly. Sure, they aren’t always tasteful by today’s standards, or even back when they were streamed, but still.