Lair of Anubis

Is it really a spoiler about the fact that there were aliens in this game? Well, too bad. There were aliens about this game. Every damn time. And some damn of those there deaths were surely a thing. I had fun.

Duration: ~1 hour(s)

Lair of Anubis is a short game created by a solo developer. You find yourself dropped in an sandstorm for some reason. Like, the story says we’re going to find some unknown pyramid stuff that they’ve never heard before. Not sure why we need to have the sandstorm if we’re going there anyway, but hey, I guess we need to go there HURRIED. Aside from the above, the story of the game is kind of okay. I won’t spoiler it, but if you’ve seen a lot of media with pyramids recently, you know where this story is going to go.

I like a lot of the visual ideas the dev made in some places, so that was nice. I’m not sure the one mummy in the game as having a decently large truckdump on their bottom end, but I’m not here to kinkshame. Like I said, though, the game’s visuals are just okay plus some ideas. Can’t say they’re done WELL to say, but you can see some ideas there.

Unfortunately, the game has a lot of bugs. The dev made at least one update, and it’s always good to see that, but the bugs are there. Thankfully, most of the games don’t get in your way to beating the game. You’ll see some things that look weird, but honestly it’s not going to stop you from much to play. Just a bit of jank. Oh, and one of the points seems like it’s just sending you back the same place time again and again? Go back instead.

One of the parts that I didn’t like was how the game will immediately killed you in certain points. It’s very abrupt. You’re walking, see a thing, then less than a second you’re in a full gameover. Checkpoints thankfully are closely enough, but it’s kind of annoying. Plus the jumpscares are annoying, but it is the place in these kinds of games.

Really, for around $5, it’s not too bad. Could use a few bugs fixes, but also, it’s probably fine. I had fun with it.

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