FREAKHUNTER (Complete Archive)

This is a complete playlist of every time kuoushi played FREAKHUNTER, but available in a playlist format. Enjoy just letting the whole series run without having to click anything! Hours of kuoushi, direct to your brain.

FREAKHUNTER where you’ve gotta kill them FREAKS.

I love a whole lot of this game that I really like. The aesthetic is great if you like it, though some people might not enjoy the early screensaver visuals. It looks well in the game itself, though.

The dungeon crawler part of the game plays really nicely. You run around and shoot the dudes around you and works well for the most way. Sometimes certain characters will get right in your face and it will be almost awful to shoot them. Sometimes the best way is to just back away all the time. Others, one guy can actually get off out of the crosshairs so you have to jump back and forth to see them. Beyond that, the game goes really well with the shooting part at least.

The main problem that I have more of a problem with is the general difficulty for it. The game starts pretty easily in the beginning, as you’d expect, but then it tends to hit kind of a wall with different kinds of problems. One I’m not fan is that the way the game forces you to die when you run out of resources. Find yourself far into a spot, then you accidentally shot too many guns and can’t find anymore, you’re still alive but you can’t find anymore. Just sit there until you hit refresh and try again that way. It sucks, and isn’t really fun.

The other part on the difficulty is that, yeah, the game is definitely hard. You can tell that only 6% of people have completed the game. Somewhere in the 3rd world, the game stops being fun and more just kind of a chore. The last world is just hates you. If you’re into that sort of difficulty, then absolutely play this game.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game, but it is hard for me to say this is for everyone. It will definitely be certain people will really enjoy it, though.

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