Large archive update, and No one lives under the lighthouse

So we finally managed to update the archive with a bunch of new series, and we streamed a small horror game for Halloween. All in all, a pretty good weekend.

No one lives under the lighthouse

A pretty fun game overall, and I didn’t even finish it 100%. Nor will I. Not planning to specifically 100% the game, but it does seem like it has a lot to it so I recommend picking it up for like, $7 or whatever it costs.

On to the archive though, pretty large-scale update just went in. Dead Island makes an appearance, with all of its jank. Also we did it mostly co-op with Log and Krisper. Then, we also got Mark of the Ninja and all those stealthy good times. It’s an actual good game, though sadly some audio tech issues happened in the early streams. And lastly we delve back into the even more classic streams with Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. I’m still not a fan of Zelda games, but whatever.

All in all, a pretty productive time for the site and the stream. We’re getting closer to starting the massive project that is archiving all of the drunk streams, but we’ll get there when we do eventually.

Aliens vs Predator, and a few Marines in between

So we’ve done another good thing, and despite all of my lack of time, I’ve managed to knock this game out and finish it off. My very fair and honest review of this game is that it’s alright. Not great, not bad, but mostly forgettable. It’s possible I was just playing it wrong, and by playing it wrong I mean completely ignoring the campaign and proceeding to just play the multiplayer. Pretty standard choice to make for games like this. But hey, at least the shortest campaign was the most fun one. Almost like they just did a few set pieces from the other campaigns but didn’t really tie them together into a cohesive story or anything really.

Anyway, here’s the archives!

Alien vs Predator (2010)

And speaking of archives, I’ve managed to get the one here on the site updated with a few more full playthroughs. Nothing exciting since these were already on YouTube, but Tales of Eternia and The Walking Dead are there now, and that’s exciting because those are the last two holdovers from YouTube that hadn’t been included in the site here yet. I also fixed up the F.3.A.R. stream dates using some detective work by looking at my Steam achievements and the dates attached. I’m super smart.

In NEW archive news, I’ve also added in Surgeon Simulator, in which I was a very good surgeon and nothing ever went wrong.

So as you can see, I’m still here. Still streaming, still getting the archive in order, still alive. Go me.

Layers of Fear up, Layers of Fear down (+ F.E.A.R. 2 DLC)

Look at us, just playing through all these horror games and finishing them at a reasonably normal rate. Layers of Fear was absolutely a video game that we played, and white it had some decent atmosphere, it relied way too much on them jump scares. I know a jumped a few times, but like, it got more annoying than spooky most of the time. Still, was fun to kick around in and see what kind of games people are making. And hey, there’s a sequel out if that’s something you’d be interested in. And maybe I’ll play the DLC someday.

Layers of Fear Archive

3 videos found
Layers of Fear #01
Layers of Fear #02
Layers of Fear #03

And, on top of beating Layers of Fear, we also went back and ran through the (fairly) short DLC for F.E.A.R. 2. I guess it helped us to better see how we led into the third game, but it really was pretty damn short overall. Fun, in the same way the base game was fun, at least. It’s in the archive for that game if you’re interested.

Beyond that, I guess I should pick another new game to play next. Who knows what that’ll be. I certainly don’t, and won’t until the last minute probably.

Starting up Layers of Fear, and adding Sleeping Dogs to the archive

Since we technically finished playing through F.E.A.R. 2 last weekend, that means we had to pick a new game for this weekend. Who procrastinated until the last minute and had to pick a filler game? Sure wasn’t this guy. I totally wanted to stream this game since days long gone when I somehow obtained it. I’m actually not sure if I paid money for it though. Probably came in a bundle, or was free at some point? My memory is awful, and my Steam library supports my terrible OCD choices.

Anyway, Layers of Fear will get added to the archive as I stream it, so if you miss any due to it being so late at night and you’re asleep, just head on over to the category and catch up on them there.

On another note, just as the title states, I’ve updated the archive with all of the fun Sleeping Dogs streams I did. So, of you ever need to hear vaguely shit humor about and surrounding Asians, I guess you should watch.

Sleeping Dogs Archive

24 videos found
Sleeping Dogs #01
Sleeping Dogs #02
Sleeping Dogs #03
Sleeping Dogs #04
Sleeping Dogs #05
Sleeping Dogs #06
Sleeping Dogs #07
Sleeping Dogs #08
Sleeping Dogs #09
Sleeping Dogs #10
Sleeping Dogs #11
Sleeping Dogs #12
Sleeping Dogs #13
Sleeping Dogs #14
Sleeping Dogs #15
Sleeping Dogs #16
Sleeping Dogs #17
Sleeping Dogs #18
Sleeping Dogs #19
Sleeping Dogs #20
Sleeping Dogs #21
Sleeping Dogs #22
Sleeping Dogs #23

Yep, that’s a lot of streams. I sure as fuck used to stream quite a bit. Hopefully I can get a lot more games done like I used to!

An archive update, Shadow Warrior streams are here now!

So, managed to square away some time to update the archive and here we are. Our Shadow Warrior streams are up now and available for all of you cool people to watch. Also, you might’ve noticed that there was a Twitter post for this as well. Lots of cool stuff coming together for the site again, and aside from maybe a bit of slowness, it’s working pretty well.

Shadow Warrior Stream Archives

13 videos found

We’ll get some more stuff added to the archives soon. Maybe I’ll start delving into our Saturday and drunk streams finally. I’m sure those are what a lot more people have fun memories of, but I like my longform streams the most.

Stream archives in process

I’ve started to create an archive containing all of my old streams from back to the absolute early days, on up into the modern kuoushi streams. This will likely be a very large undertaking and won’t be finished anytime remotely soon, but I feel like the end result will be worth it to me at least. These streams cover a lot of my personal history and a bunch of different time periods in the life of kuoushi, plus a dickton of games and memories.

We’ve also been slowly continuing our Thi3f streams. Making progress, stealing stuff, and not being as awful as we could be at the games. I do think I’ve fucked myself over in the hub world though. Tune in this weekend to enjoy that idiocy.