Layers of Fear up, Layers of Fear down (+ F.E.A.R. 2 DLC)

Look at us, just playing through all these horror games and finishing them at a reasonably normal rate. Layers of Fear was absolutely a video game that we played, and white it had some decent atmosphere, it relied way too much on them jump scares. I know a jumped a few times, but like, it got more annoying than spooky most of the time. Still, was fun to kick around in and see what kind of games people are making. And hey, there’s a sequel out if that’s something you’d be interested in. And maybe I’ll play the DLC someday.

Layers of Fear Archive

4 videos found

And, on top of beating Layers of Fear, we also went back and ran through the (fairly) short DLC for F.E.A.R. 2. I guess it helped us to better see how we led into the third game, but it really was pretty damn short overall. Fun, in the same way the base game was fun, at least. It’s in the archive for that game if you’re interested.

Beyond that, I guess I should pick another new game to play next. Who knows what that’ll be. I certainly don’t, and won’t until the last minute probably.

Starting up Layers of Fear, and adding Sleeping Dogs to the archive

Since we technically finished playing through F.E.A.R. 2 last weekend, that means we had to pick a new game for this weekend. Who procrastinated until the last minute and had to pick a filler game? Sure wasn’t this guy. I totally wanted to stream this game since days long gone when I somehow obtained it. I’m actually not sure if I paid money for it though. Probably came in a bundle, or was free at some point? My memory is awful, and my Steam library supports my terrible OCD choices.

Anyway, Layers of Fear will get added to the archive as I stream it, so if you miss any due to it being so late at night and you’re asleep, just head on over to the category and catch up on them there.

On another note, just as the title states, I’ve updated the archive with all of the fun Sleeping Dogs streams I did. So, of you ever need to hear vaguely shit humor about and surrounding Asians, I guess you should watch.

Sleeping Dogs Archive

24 videos found
Sleeping Dogs #01
Sleeping Dogs #02
Sleeping Dogs #03
Sleeping Dogs #04
Sleeping Dogs #05
Sleeping Dogs #06
Sleeping Dogs #07
Sleeping Dogs #08
Sleeping Dogs #09
Sleeping Dogs #10
Sleeping Dogs #11
Sleeping Dogs #12
Sleeping Dogs #13
Sleeping Dogs #14
Sleeping Dogs #15
Sleeping Dogs #16
Sleeping Dogs #17
Sleeping Dogs #18
Sleeping Dogs #19
Sleeping Dogs #20
Sleeping Dogs #21
Sleeping Dogs #22
Sleeping Dogs #23

Yep, that’s a lot of streams. I sure as fuck used to stream quite a bit. Hopefully I can get a lot more games done like I used to!

An archive update, Shadow Warrior streams are here now!

So, managed to square away some time to update the archive and here we are. Our Shadow Warrior streams are up now and available for all of you cool people to watch. Also, you might’ve noticed that there was a Twitter post for this as well. Lots of cool stuff coming together for the site again, and aside from maybe a bit of slowness, it’s working pretty well.

Shadow Warrior Stream Archives

13 videos found

We’ll get some more stuff added to the archives soon. Maybe I’ll start delving into our Saturday and drunk streams finally. I’m sure those are what a lot more people have fun memories of, but I like my longform streams the most.

Alma ain’t got shit on me

Yes, I know. I’m not Denzel. You’ll also not find any references to Denzel in any of our F.E.A.R. 2 streams. Speaking of that, we just finished playing that game (for the most part). But I mean, I did actually beat the game (sans DLC so far). I also am ending every sentence with a qualifying parenthetical (like this one).

Anyway, yes. We’ve played F.E.A.R. 2, we’ve beaten F.E.A.R. 2. We also beat F.3.A.R. a long while back with Highwang. We, unfortunately, have yet to even play F.E.A.R. though. Maybe another stream and we’ll be the most comprehensive F.E.A.R. streamer this side of Best out of 1 players isn’t bad. Okay, enough joking around.

F.E.A.R. 2 Archives

5 videos found
F.E.A.R. 2 #04
F.E.A.R. 2 #03
F.E.A.R. 2 #02
F.E.A.R. 2 #01

The archive itself has been languishing for a bit, but I’ll get back to updating it with old streams shortly, you’ll see. It’ll be great. The best archive. The most thorough and complete archive you’ve ever seen. Maybe I’ll even add in a calendar so you can stroll back through memory lane and see where you were back during our old streams, if you were there anyway.

Thanks for tuning in though, always a good time playing these silly games.

We did it, we did the impossible and completed another game

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood among other things was certainly a game, and while not the longest, that doesn’t mean that us clearing it is insignificant. since we so rarely manage to find the time to stream these days. Thoughts on what we’ll play next are currently pretty scattered, but we do have some solid options. First up though, some stream archives for Bound in Blood which was absolutely a video game made by a record number of dudes named Pawel.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Streams

Future Stream Options

So like I said above, we have a number of decent options we can turn to for streams. The one I’m considering the most heavily is a return to my SaGa playthrough and start back up with Romancing SaGa 3, at it is actually now in English and on PC even. I don’t think it’d be a great idea for me to revisit Romancing SaGa 2 just yet, but that is still on the menu as well.

Another potential is to hold off on returning to SaGa and play a tangentially related JRPG like Octopath Traveler. I’ve played a bit of it and it’s quite neat. I like what they did with the visuals and everything, so I feel like it’d be a good game to stream and try to get my RPG feet back under me, as I haven’t streamed one for some time.

Some other shorter options are also probably a good idea, like attempting to go back to Gunman Chronicles and finish that playthrough up, or doing the same for Shadow Warrior 2 which I kind of gave up on for no reason that I can remember.

Or there’s always trying something completely different that I haven’t touched yet, like Alien Isolation which is a good game by all accounts. We could honestly kind of do anything, so I’ll have to figure out what by next weekend.

And lastly, the archive is still chugging along as I get the time to update it. Next thing to go in will be my Shadow Warrior run. The remake, that is.

Thief – Deadly Shadows? More like, we’re completing games

Yes, I’m aware that is a shitty title for a blog post, let’s move on.

We’ve just defeated Thief 3, and honestly it feels good to finish a game after a long hiatus from longer form streams due to work and baby and things. The latter of those two doesn’t bother me, but work taking away my time certainly sucks.

All that being said, here’s hoping that Thief 3 is only the first of at least one or two games that have been lingering in the depths of the mists of obscurity or some other turn of phrase that we will be able to finally bring some stream closure. I know there’s not too many people out there watching anymore, but it at least feels nice to get these done.

Thief 3 Streams

15 videos found
Thi3f #01
Thi3f #02
Thi3f #03
Thi3f #04
Thi3f #05
Thi3f #06
Thi3f #07
Thi3f #08
Thi3f #09
Thi3f #10
Thi3f #11
Thi3f #12
Thi3f #13
Thi3f #14

Also, Mother 3 is hitting the archives as well, so I highly recommend checking those out. Or not, I can’t control you. I also have no idea what even happened in those streams. July/August 2010 was a different time.

Thank you for the visit, hopefully I’ll have some more stuff hitting the site.

Stream archives in process

I’ve started to create an archive containing all of my old streams from back to the absolute early days, on up into the modern kuoushi streams. This will likely be a very large undertaking and won’t be finished anytime remotely soon, but I feel like the end result will be worth it to me at least. These streams cover a lot of my personal history and a bunch of different time periods in the life of kuoushi, plus a dickton of games and memories.

We’ve also been slowly continuing our Thi3f streams. Making progress, stealing stuff, and not being as awful as we could be at the games. I do think I’ve fucked myself over in the hub world though. Tune in this weekend to enjoy that idiocy.

Steady as she goes

The site has slowly started to take shape again. I have our totally cool forums going which are absolutely a thing that will be super busy and not just kind of there for my own amusement. We’ve got proper stream embeds on the front page, which honestly is pretty okay. I’d like to make the embeds stay there even when people are offline, but that’s $50 I’m not super into spending right now. We’ve got a cute little not super effective widget showing the status of our Sven Co-op server at any given moment, assuming it hasn’t crashed. User registrations are opened back up, too.

Oh, and I suppose there have been a few more kuoushi streams lately. That’s pretty cool too. Just kicking around some games that are fun, and with a whole new layout and vaguely interactive elements for viewers. More to come on that latter front, but it’s coming together.

All in all, things are looking up for the kuoushi world. Not too sizable at the moment, but hey, we’re just getting back into the swing of things.

We’re back, but only just

As I’m sure not many people noticed, the site went down for about a week or two. Well, that’s done now and the site is back up, but it won’t have nearly as much on it as it used to because we’re going to mostly start again from scratch to try to get it to a nice place. That’s not going to be a thing that happens very soon, but I’ve been working on a lot of stuff to try to get back into streaming old HL games and Sven Co-op at least once a week or so, so hopefully that’ll be a thing to look forward to in the future.

Whatever happens, at least this is here, right?

24 Hour Stream Soon!

Date: Saturday March 15, 2014
Time: Starts at 12am CST on the 15th, ends at 12am CST on the 16th

So I’ve got a 24 hour stream coming up and I need some ideas for what to play. A theme of games would be nice, but mostly I want to nail down the games so we can get some light promotion going on. Things like having people with followers able to make some tweets or talk about it on Facebook or whatever. That’s hard to do when we don’t have any idea what I’m going to be playing. This is all pretty short notice as is usual for anything Kuoushi-related, but I’d like to get some ideas going in this thread.

My Steam List:

Things I can emulate: PS2 a few games, would need testing, PSX, NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, Dreamcast haven’t tested, Genesis, N64 and other things from these eras of games.

Anything that requires me to download something will have to be done way in advance so I can test it.

Suggestions are helpful. Games, themes, whatever. An example of a theme is the Megamanathon. Just play Megaman 1-whatever.

Suggest away!


Games so far in kind of order:
Megaman X4PSX
An Untitled Story
Vertiginous Golf
Megaman X5 PSX
Prison Architect
Dota 2
Shadow Warrior if it streams well
Beast Boxing Turbo
Axelay SNES
Megaman X6 PSX

Not all of these games are guaranteed to make it in as we are limited by time, but I’ll do my best to get most of them going and beaten. Also if we run out, we’ll improvise! Feel free to suggest more in here during the stream. Anything on Steam that I don’t have installed most likely won’t make it, but SNES/NES games should be no issue.”