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Complete Archives
60 videos

This category contains only complete archives that you can click once and let run until they are done. Playlists, basically. The easiest method yet to consume kuoushi's amazing kontent.

0 videos

Just a grouping of small clips showcasing the absolute best that kuoushi has to offer. Maybe worth a sensible chuckle or two.

Stream Archive
1,564 videos

Archives of streams from long ago. Also recent. Just, you know, streams that already happened.

The Bargain Bin
15 videos

The Bargain Bin is a series of streams where we take a look at and complete indie games that didn't become the next great indie sensation whether through marketing issues or, you know, just not being good.

Videos listed here are the complete playthroughs, with a basic review written below them to kind of tell you what's wrong with the game, or if it's honestly just a good game.