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Axe Cop #10
Axe Cop #09
Axe Cop #08

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Ilum started working again, I guess?

We're going to try to finish the damn game tonight (somewhere in the next 30 minutes from this post probably), barring any further softlocks. I've got a good feeling about this.

Had to throw an audible for last night’s stream.

A first and potentially not a last, but we ended up in a softlock in Ilum. One of the quests can't be completed (not a skill issue, sadly), which means we can't hit the 100 mark that the game requires for us to finish it. So, we called off Ilum there for now while I contact the dev, and we started up Axe Cop which is just great. You should watch the first bit.

The PeerTube transfer’s still going well.

It's going to take a long while yet, but I've been getting a bunch more files transferred over and on there. At the moment, it's everything from July 2019 to present. Plus, been slightly working on a new embed that'll let me offer the PeerTube side stream on the site here as well. Always nice.

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No Streams for a Time

So about a month and two ago, kuoushi had the fun of timing a stroke. Sadly, not the fun one. I've been spending a lot of time working on getting my brains to work close to what they used to. You can imagine this will take a bit before I can give a time to go really streaming again yet. Plus, you know, my streams themselves won't be the same quality you've all been used to all of these years, so yeah no streams.

For a bit, anyway.

I'll do a bit more on some stuff working getting the other stuffs on the stream archives in the now. Will keep you know on the streams parts again later.

See you all again next time then.