What do now?

All of the archived recordings on my hard drives have been uploaded or otherwise made available. Honestly, I never would’ve expected to make it this far on the project. It’s honestly been a little over a half a year since I started doing the Saturday streams, and an even longer time than that since I started getting up the regular long form streams. Pretty huge project, but I think the current state of the archive is worth it.

I still have a decent amount to do, though, before I can really consider the archive as complete, or as complete as it can be. I have to add in a few streams that are in my schedule but the recordings are gone. I have to recheck against the schedule to ensure the calendar dates for streams are accurate, though that should be mostly accurate at this point. I’d also like to grab old chat logs (of which I don’t have any from before 2014 or so), then include those as subtitles on the appropriate videos. Plus, I’d like to eventually get the phone call segments up as their own little videos to show off what happened way back in the day when I allowed people to just call in. Lots to do, but I’ll get there eventually.

And that’s not at all including going back to streaming. I can vaguely see some time in my schedule opening up in the vaguely near future to stream again. I have Homefront 2 to finish (which is like, 1 or 2 streams depending on DLC), and then a whole ass list of other games I’ve started preparing. Things like a return to Deadly Premonition (this time with less crashes?), Demon’s Souls, F.E.A.R., Thief 2, and a few oddball options like the private server for Hellgate: London. Will I get to all these? Chances are low, but I think I’m going to at least be able to stream a bit more in the future here.

Anyway, that’s it from me for now. Hope to see you guys again sometime.

Saturday/Drunk stream archives are now complete

Several months ago I started on the journey of auditing through all of the drunk streams we’d done over the past decade+. Over 300 or so streams of varying lengths and qualities from all the way back in 2009 up to the present day. The average length of each of these streams was something like 4 hours, and some of them were even up to 8 hours or more in length. I watched through all of them in the background as I worked every night, making sure I don’t say anything too out of line or play music that’s copyright protected or whatever (this latter thing happened a lot). I got to basically relive my streaming history through all of that, and now you can too.

The entirety of my backlog of drunk/Saturday streams are now fully available (aside from the missing ones) for the first time in the archives. They’re all nicely tagged, and if you’re just looking for streams that feature you talking, for instance, you should be able to find them based on the tags. Or if you’re a Highwang fan you can always check the Highwang tag to see some of his earlier forays into the streaming world. You know, fun stuff like that.

Anyway, it’s just been a long time and I’m pretty pleased with the archive being this much closer to completion, so I thought I’d make a post about it. All that’s left is getting the various specials and some other miscellaneous streams up, and then the archive will be as complete as it possibly can be.

Cool stuff, thanks for reading.

2016 Saturday streams are done and in the archive.

We’re now into the final year of Saturday streams that hadn’t made it into the archive yet. Not too many in 2017, but they’ll all be in soon enough. I’m surprised how well a lot of these have held up, honestly. Sure, they aren’t always tasteful by today’s standards, or even back when they were streamed, but still.

Been a while, hello again

So it’s obviously been a number of months since kuoushi’s last stream, as well as since the last time an update has been posted here on the old blog. Time to remedy that a bit with a small update!

Basically, had a second kid so that slowed everything down. Just think of Vin Diesel saying family a few times and you’re on the same page.

With that news now out of the way, on to site related stuff!

Drunk Streams Returning to the Archive!

Ever since the fall of Viddler, drunk streams haven’t been something we could go back and re-watch for a long time. I’m remedying that now, but I have to watch through each drunk stream before getting it into the archive and some of these are absolutely rough. They will be offensive, and they probably won’t be that entertaining by my current lofty standards of comedy even. I mostly only suggest them as an educational look back into what awful people we were back in the day. Or at least me, I was pretty stupid.

Don’t worry, though, the more modern drunk streams with a much higher standard of humor will come in eventually. I just chose to start at the beginning and work my way up from there. There are like 430 or so different drunk or Saturday streams, so it’s a lot to get through. Aside from the RoboCop stream anyway. I put that one in the archive in its entirety with no cuts whatsoever. Still the most effort stream I’ve ever done, which is saying a lot about the quality of the rest of my streams.

After drunk streams, I’ll move on to getting things like the various specials and birthday streams up, though I might make an exception and go through to get a number of the 24 hour streams up sooner rather than later for no real reason other than to put them up.

A Return to Streaming and Doing it Live?

Uncertain when at this point, but it’s still a thing I’m wanting to do. I’d like to get a schedule back up and going, but with two kids that’ll be a bit tough. It’s on my radar, as always. Don’t give up too much hope. Or do, I’m not your dad.

Homefront returns, and another huge archive update

If the latest streams section on this website hasn’t clued you in yet, or the cool new stream calendar that I’ve put in hasn’t caught your attention yet, you may not have realized that we’ve started up our next set of streams to follow Alice: Madness Returns — Homefront: The Revolution. I have a rocky relationship with the Homefront series, stemming from the first game blocking all of my in-game progress with a waist-high barrier that I couldn’t get across during a drunk stream a long ways back, and then subsequently just simply jumping over said barrier a few years later and beating the game. So, playing the sequel to that will surely go well and I won’t have to worry about it being a buggy mess, right? Right.

Catch up on those Homefront: The Revolution streams in the archive, and maybe even join us live one of these days, or nights, or any of the other irregular times that I stream.

Now, with that out of the way, the real announcement for this post is that I have finally completed a significant amount of streams in the archive, and they’re all available now. Basically, every single longform stream that we’ve done over the years, from 2009 all the way to today, is now available in VOD form. This doesn’t yet include any of our drunk, Saturday, or otherwise special streams like the 24 hour ones, but it is a really cool significant milestone as it does cover the majority of our playthroughs over the years.

Here’s a few of the more recently added streams to the archive: Thief, Suikoden II, Breath of Fire 2, Chrono Trigger (even though the audio desyncs), Clock Tower 3, Deadpool, and a bunch of other odds and ends and games.

Honestly, it’s a lot of streams, and shit I’ve been doing this for a while. It’s been neat for me to at least vaguely revisit all of these streams and see what a dick I’ve always been. Hopefully they’re still enjoyable as entertainment to anyone who happens to go through them, and not just for my own personal entertainment from a historical (meaning, historical for me but not so much for the world) standpoint.

Thanks for all the times, ladies and gents. I’ll keep streaming, but it’s certainly been a long time from the beginning to now. Oh, and Happy New Year, I guess?