Something about a cave in False Skies
kuoushi is live with False Skies!
This thing still on? More False Skies time.
kuoushi is live with False Skies!
How can the Skies be real if our eyes are False?
kuoushi is live with False Skies!
How can the Skies be real if our eyes are False?
kuoushi is live with False Skies!
Time to see if the Skies really are False.
kuoushi is live with Call of Juarez!
I guess it’s spirit quest time in Call of Juarez
kuoushi is live with Call of Juarez!
Warning, Call of Juarez is a product of its time
Keeping up with posts on a blog? Who does that?
Not me, that’s for sure.
Been a couple of weeks since I streamed something, so now that I have, it’s time for another blog post that will meet all of your wildest desires (for kuoushi™ content).
The most recent thing to talk about is how we’ve begun the current endgame for the Call of Juarez series. Playing things in reverse is normal, and here I am starting up the very first in the Call of Juarez series. What’s that, you say? There was another game I’m forgetting about? Well too fucking bad. It’s not sold anymore so I’m not going out of my way to get it and play it. This is it. No more Call of Juarez after I finish playing this first game, unless of course they release another. I’m sure all of the dozens of Call of Juarez fans will fault me for this and stop watching my streams in droves. Whatever the case, hey come watch the Call of Juarez streams live or check them out as they get posted to the archive.
The other thing of note is that I’ve kind of sort of taken up a new streaming hobby where I’ll find games that have around 100 or less reviews on Steam, and then I’ll stream them. There likely won’t be many diamonds in the rough, but I do expect to have some experiences. On that note, we’ve done four such games so far! I’m calling the series The Bargain Bin to myself, and if you want to keep up with whenever I stream those games, just check out the tag here. That Which Gives Chase and The Warriorlock in particular were a lot of fun to me. Katana Soul and Powernaut Vangardt were just too hard on my old man reflexes, unfortunately. I might give the latter another try now that I know how it works though.
What’s that? More has happened since the last post? You’re right. I’ve actually been busy. On top of the above, I also finished playthroughs of Dino Crisis 2 and the Doom total conversion mod known as Ashes: Afterglow, which is fantastic.
We’ll say that’s it for now (aside from the PeerTube archive still moving backwards fairly swimmingly into the year 2015), so hope you’ve all enjoyed this recap of the past few months of totally good times.
Thanks as always.
kuoushi is live with DOOM!
Time to go find our bike
kuoushi is live with DOOM!
Now that we are champion pit fiend racers, what’s next in Ashes: Afterglow?