Channel two buff is here!

Yes, I used buff to describe something I've made better on the site as if this is some weird MMO with patchnotes.

So here's what I did, I made it so if there is no active stream on channel one, the page will load channel two instead if someone is streaming there. This doesn't happen automatically just yet, so it'll require a page refresh or you'd just have to click channel Two if you were already on the site.

Working on the automatic thing, but this is a good start. That way if you're streaming on channel two, you can just link to and it'll load channel two instead.

More updates in the pipe for today.

Fuck FF12, says Highwang

I have just heard from Highwang that he is done playing Final Fantasy XII. It is full of Fantasy, and that is Final. Twelve times. Fuck it.

He will continue to play Lost Vikings, however, as he is having much more fun with that game. Also he is going to play the sequel to Lost Vikings next as well.

Here is the official statement from Highwang:

"Fuck FF12, it does blow quite hard. Playing Lost Vikings and its sequel instead."

Oh god Kuoushi finished a game, weird!

So, that means I need your help to decide what I should be playng next. Now, in my mind, the obvious choice is Super Island Adventure 2. I picked it on a whim as the #98 of some random person's top 100 list of SNES games, and it is actually a lot of random fun. We had a stream with it already, and it didn't suck. Wonders never cease!

In any case, your choices are there. CHOOSE WISELY Super Island Adventure 2!