Franzen has LORE. Yes, all-caps.
Category: Stream Notifications
Posts here are simply to notify other services that a stream has gone live.
kuoushi is live with Franzen!
Franzen is a game, that is a true statement
kuoushi is live with Digitizer!
Not-Mom wants to live in VR chat, let’s get her there.
kuoushi is live with Digitizer!
Not-Mom wants to live in VR chat, let’s get her there.
kuoushi is live with Digitizer!
Can we get mom into the cloud?
kuoushi is live with Digitizer!
The only person streaming Digitizer in 2024.
kuoushi is live with Pyramis!
Collecting motherboards for Giger
kuoushi is live with Pyramis!
H.R. Giger-inspired game. Something, something. Women. BOO!
kuoushi is live with Deadpool!
Deadpool? We still playing this? I guess so.
kuoushi is live with False Skies!
Side quests? In my JRPGs? It’s more likely than you think.