Maybe we’ll manage to extract from this point today.
Author: kuoushi
kuoushi is live with F.E.A.R.!
Extraction Point? More like, I don’t know but we’re playing F.E.A.R. DLCs
is live with !
kuoushi is live with F.E.A.R.!
Can we go even spookier in F.E.A.R.?
kuoushi is live with F.E.A.R.!
Will we give in to the F.E.A.R.?
Highlights and site status? New stuff is weird
Been doing a bit more work around the site and streams now that I have a bit more time to work on these things. We’ll be a real website with real streams and features soon enough. Because, you know, we aren’t yet for some reason?
So anyway, first up, I’ve set up a new status page to help visualize when the site is down. Check it out over at, and you’ll see all of my cool recent downtimes. One of the unfortunate parts about self-hosting is that downtimes are a thing that’ll happen fairly frequently. Doing my best to minimize them, but if my router glitches while I’m asleep or out of the house, the site will just have to be down until I get home. It’s cheaper and easier for me to host everything here though, considering how much I’ve got going on. So, just bookmark or check the status page if you can’t load the site. Maybe I’ll add a thing to the status checker to see if my bot’s online too.
Next new thing I added is highlights. You know, like a normal streamer who actually highlights their own streams with clips and cool things that happened during the stream. This is a recent development so it’s not like these are covering the entire span of over a decade of streams or anything, but maybe I’ll work on that some day. But anyway, check out all the cool highlights from stuff like Trespasser and the final days of Homefront: The Revolution here, assuming you didn’t watch the streams themselves like some kind of bad viewer who spends their time doing things more important than hanging out with your old pal kuoushi.
That’s it for now. Thanks as always.
Jurassic Park: Trespasser, we hardly knew you
Well, we actually know plenty about the game now. It exists. I know I say that about a lot of games, but this one really does exist, despite the entire development team’s best efforts to run it into the ground. They spent a ton of money getting Attenborough to voice parts, when they should’ve probably spent that money on the game itself. You know, like you’re supposed to.
Anyway, we beat it, so now we have to find something else to play next weekend.
Jurassic Park: Trespasser Archives here!
Then once you’re done watching those delightful streams, just think to yourself, would you have done anything else productive with that time? Yeah, me either.
Thanks for joining on that short little journey. See you next weekend probably.
kuoushi is live with Trespasser!
The long arm of the law will not be contained.
kuoushi is live with Trespasser!
The dinosaurs best watch out, the greatest, most dexterous arm in town has arrived. [JP/EN]
The revolution is over. Homefront: The Revolution no more
Been a while since we’ve gotten to write one of those posts where we talk about the game being done with. But, that’s exactly what this post is. The impossible has been achieved, and kuoushi has beaten Homefront: The Revolution, as well as its three DLCs which are just short missions. It’s a game, it exists, and now we won’t play it ever again. But, if you find yourself wanting to enjoy hopping in kuoushi’s mind as he fumbles through the game, the archives are here to stay for all eternity. Or at least until all of my archives die out again. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen.
Check out the Homefront: The Revolution archives here!
So, now comes the fun part. What game are we going to play for a year and a half next? I mean, the hope is that I’ll be able to stream weekends way late at night for the foreseeable future, so games shouldn’t last nearly as long, but is that something I can guarantee? Obviously not. Still, we get to choose a new game that will hopefully be just as entertaining (at the minimum) as Homefront: The Revolution.
Whatever I choose, you’ll find out next weekend most likely!