Aliens vs Predator, and a few Marines in between

So we’ve done another good thing, and despite all of my lack of time, I’ve managed to knock this game out and finish it off. My very fair and honest review of this game is that it’s alright. Not great, not bad, but mostly forgettable. It’s possible I was just playing it wrong, and by playing it wrong I mean completely ignoring the campaign and proceeding to just play the multiplayer. Pretty standard choice to make for games like this. But hey, at least the shortest campaign was the most fun one. Almost like they just did a few set pieces from the other campaigns but didn’t really tie them together into a cohesive story or anything really.

Anyway, here’s the archives!

Alien vs Predator (2010)

3 videos found

And speaking of archives, I’ve managed to get the one here on the site updated with a few more full playthroughs. Nothing exciting since these were already on YouTube, but Tales of Eternia and The Walking Dead are there now, and that’s exciting because those are the last two holdovers from YouTube that hadn’t been included in the site here yet. I also fixed up the F.3.A.R. stream dates using some detective work by looking at my Steam achievements and the dates attached. I’m super smart.

In NEW archive news, I’ve also added in Surgeon Simulator, in which I was a very good surgeon and nothing ever went wrong.

So as you can see, I’m still here. Still streaming, still getting the archive in order, still alive. Go me.