seawee This tag means that Seawee speaks in the given stream, whether as a co-commentator or his own archive. 5 videos found 4:44:38 War of the Vikings, Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed (Drunk) 2013-12-08 01:00/ 0 views 3waves,chaosstrike,drunk,gerk,highwang,jof,krisper,kuoushi,kuoushi 1.0,moody,mumblebee,porpoise pete,rank,saturday,seawee,sonic racing,sonic series,sprokdotexe,teepers,war of the vikings 2:36:40 Killing Floor, SNES Crap (Drunk) 2012-04-01 01:00/ 3 views combat basketball,drunk,highwang,killing floor,killing floor series,krisper,kuoushi,kuoushi 1.0,magical pop'n,rank,saturday,seawee,song master,space ace,teepers,the addams family,the firemen Nation Red, Zombie Driver, Left 4 Dead 2 (Drunk) 2010-04-25 01:00/ 2 views drunk,kuoushi,kuoushi 1.0,left 4 dead 2,left 4 dead series,nation red,saturday,seawee,steve,vaskania,zombie driver Madballs in… Babo: Invasion (Drunk) 2010-04-18 01:00/ 5 views apples,bob the internet guru,kuoushi,kuoushi 1.0,madballs,omen,pedobear,quinis,saturday,seawee,steve,vaskania Obulis, Mario, Commander Keen (Drunk) 2010-01-17 01:00/ 5 views commander keen,commander keen series,drunk,kuoushi,kuoushi 1.0,mario series,obulis,saturday,seawee